Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Email address *Type of manuscript *Please indicate whether this is a dissertation, a journal article, a manuscript, or a professional document.Length of manuscript *Please indicate both word and page count. Publication stage *Acceptance by dissertation committeePolishing of professional documentsInitial submission of articleBook proposal submissionResponse to reviewersFinal proof before publicationPlease use the dropdown menu to indicate what stage of the process of publication you are at. This will help me to evaluate what your manuscript may need. Publication goals Please feel free to indicate any special requests (e.g., reference checks, language issues, formatting help, etc.) or other particular issues you would like me to focus on. Publication Timeline *Please indicate when you are hoping to submit your work for publication. Note: If you have a tight deadline, there may be a surcharge for prioritizing your manuscript.Sample Upload * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a short sample of your work that is 2-5 pages long to give me a sense of your strengths and weaknesses as a writer. If you are concerned about privacy, feel free to upload a sample from a different piece of writing at a similar stage of development for me to evaluate. Submit